Friday, April 11, 2008

A Burning Question

I have two vices. Cats and entertainment news/gossip.

My question is, which is worse? I mean I tried to give up entertainment gossip for Lent last year and I ended up with Last Supper Syndrome and bought every grocery store aisle tabloid in one shot. Major binge. As for the cat-ladyness, I have a cat. I bought him a Santa costume for Christmas. I talk to him, mostly when I'm drunk, but I talk to him.

I guess it doesn't matter which is worse. If I try to stop, I'll end up with an apartment with 14 cats that pee all over the piles of National Enquirers and Us Weekly.

1 comment:

Nicole Marie said...

I feel your pain regarding the celebrity gossip. I don't read the magazines, but somehow I know the information (or used to, back when Gwyneth Paltrow was all the rage). My husband had a theory that somehow the info was downloaded into my brain while I was sleeping. Possible, I suppose.